Quick reference for the most commonly asked questions. Check the Programming page and the Panel Policy page for more details.
Programming panels F.A.Q.
You can submit a panel any time during the Panel Submission Period. For Anime Iowa 2024 the submission period is now through May 11th.
While we cannot give you exact time choices, you can choose 3 time blocks that you would like
your panel to be held. Remember that panels are considered on a first come first serve basis so
you will have a better chance of getting your desired date and time if you submit early!
Yes, upon completion of the form you will get an email confirmation that your panel was
submitted. Panel status emails will be sent out at a later date to the Lead Panelist.
Status emails will be sent out to all Lead Panelists after the initial scheduling draft is complete, and again once the schedule is fully complete.
After the paneling team completes the schedule, you will receive a Panel status email with the details of your panel location. If you have any concerns about your details just email us back!
Submit an email to paneling@animeiowa.com and let us know as soon as possible. Please help your AI Staff and try not to wait until the last minute.
Yes, provided that you indicate this clearly and accordingly. Please note that all panelists must be over the age of 18 and the panel doors will be ID checked. For more information, please see our Panelist Policy page for full details on 18+ Panels.
All panel rooms will be provided with screens, projectors, speakers and microphones. We also provide whiteboards, markers, paper and pencils upon request. If you need supplies, please state that in your submission. If you have already made your submission, please send an email to paneling@animeiowa.com with your panel room requests. Please also have these sent in before the panel submission deadline of May 11th.
Performing arts are handled on a case by case basis. If you are interested, please send an email to paneling@animeiowa.com for more information.
Yes! Lead and Assistant Panelists who run 3 or more panels at an Anime Iowa event will qualify for a complimentary Anime Iowa Membership Badge the following year.
It is hard to believe, but YES! Those who participate in 3 or more hours as a Lead Panelist or
Assistant Panelists qualify for a complimentary Anime Iowa Membership Badge.
That’s alright. As long as you have your Lead Panelist and Assistant Panelist you can just
include the participants that you know and send us an email later with the others and we will get them added to the panelist list.
While we cannot cater to everyone, we can avoid scheduling your panel around big events or other specific panels. Just include this in your submission form as best as you can. Remember that we work on a first come first serve basis, so you have a better chance of avoiding all conflicts and getting your preferred date and time when you submit early!
If you have additional questions or need clarification please send us an email at paneling@animeiowa.com